Jungle Jam

Overview: How might we create an interactive experience that makes people smile?

For our final project, my senior capstone group of designers and developers worked together to create a game called Jungle Jam to be exhibited at Imagine RIT: Creativity and Innovation Festival. 


Team: Devin Kirkwood, Anna Leung, Will Salerno, Simon Morrier, Dylan Gomer, Andy Huang, Hun Choi, Andrew Beach

Skills: Digital illustration, animation, marketing, advertising, woodworking, audio, development

Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Figma, Python, OpenCV, Pygame libraries, StickerApp, Semplice

Duration: 16 weeks

When: January 11th - May 3rd, 2022

 Meet the Team

Anna Leung

Project Manager & Visual Designer

Devin Kirkwood

Visual Designer

Will Salerno

Visual Designer

Simon Morrier

Visual Designer

Dylan Gomer

Lead Developer

Andy Huang


Hun Choi


Andrew Beach


Enter the Jungle if You Dare…

You and your friends are camping in the jungle when all of a sudden, hungry wild animals come out to attack you!

Jungle Jam is the bridge between the physical and digital world of interaction. In this fast-paced game, players use a physical slingshot to launch food at a projection of jungle animals. Feed them quickly or get eaten.

Game Objectives

Stay Vigilant

Tigers spawn randomly, leaving you anticipating their next attack. Don’t let them get too close!

Get Moving

Use our slingshot to aim and launch food at the hungry tigers. Time to test your speed, strength, and accuracy.


Wine or lose, our game will make you smile with our humorous animations. Who knew tigers crave watermelon too?

Illustration Kit

We created simple, vibrant, vector illustrations to capture people’s attention and appeal to younger audiences.

By: Anna Leung & Devin Kirkwood



We animated everything in Adobe After Effects, then exported into a sequence of PNGs to be utilized by the developers as sprites.

By: Will Salerno




Jungle Jam uses color and motion tracking with a camera to determine the play area and ball location.



Our developers utilized Python along with OpenCV and Pygame libraries.


OpenCV is a Python library that provides tools for image processing and computer vision. In Jungle Jam, OpenCV is used to handle projectile tracking and object detection.


Pygame is a Python module that is designed for game development in Python. Pygame has computer graphics and sound libraries. Pygame manages all of the visuals of the game, the changing of menus based on events and a timer, and the sound effects and music.

The Slingshot

We handbuilt a 3ft tall wooden slingshot with a moveable base to enhance the hands-on experience of our game.

By: Simon Morrier




We custom printed tiger logo stickers to give away to our players at our Imagine RIT exhibit.



We printed posters and hung them around campus, targeting high foot-traffic areas to promote our Imagine RIT exhibit.


Social Media

We also managed an Instagram account to promote our Imagine RIT exhibit. Give us a follow @JungleJamRIT


Imagine RIT

The Big Day


We Won An Award!

Jungle Jam was named an honorable mention for the 2022 Imagine RIT Applied Critical Thinking competition. The award recognizes contributions made to furthering Applied Critical Thinking at RIT through the process and creation of an Imagine RIT exhibit. 


Extra Gum